Halcom 发表于 2020-2-22 17:04:03


dev_close_window ()
dev_open_window (0, 0, 400, 400, 'black', WindowHandle)
* 产生一个400x400的图像region,用于模拟这种缺陷检测方法
gen_region_polygon (Line1, , )
gen_region_polygon (Line2, , )
union2 (Line1, Line2, Lines)
dilation_circle (Lines, ThickLines, 7.5)
gen_circle (Error1, 120, 347, 7.5)
gen_circle (Error2, 90, 287, 7.5)
gen_circle (Error3, 302, 202, 7.5)
gen_circle (Error4, 242, 337, 7.5)
gen_circle (Error5, 346, 248, 7.5)
gen_circle (Error6, 204, 312, 7.5)
union2 (Error1, Error3, Errors1)
union2 (Errors1, Error5, ErrorsAdd)
union2 (Error2, Error4, Errors2)
union2 (Errors2, Error6, ErrorsRem)
union2 (ThickLines, ErrorsAdd, ThichLinesAdd)
union2 (ThickLines, ErrorsAdd, ThichLinesAdd)
difference (ThichLinesAdd, ErrorsRem, ThickLinesError)
* 采用distance_transform计算region距离--无缺陷的图
* the distance of the point to the border of the region
* 'city-block'是点到边界的最短距离,只能水平、垂直移动
* 'chessboard'是点到边界的最短距离,水平、垂直、斜对角 均可移动
* 'octagonal'是点到边界的最短距离,水平、垂直、斜对角 均可移动,斜对角权重更大
* 'chamfer-3-4'是点到边界的最短距离,水平、垂直的权重为3,斜对角权重为4
* 'euclidean'欧氏距离图
distance_transform (ThickLines, LinesDistance, 'chamfer-3-4', 'true', 400, 400)
skeleton (ThickLines, Skeleton)
reduce_domain (LinesDistance, Skeleton, LinesDistanceReduced)
threshold (LinesDistanceReduced, NoErrors, , )
dev_clear_window ()
dev_set_draw ('fill')
dev_set_color ('gray')
dev_display (ThickLines)
dev_set_draw ('margin')
dev_set_color ('red')
dev_display (Skeleton)
* the distance of the point to the border of the region
* 采用distance_transform计算region距离--有缺陷的图
distance_transform (ThickLinesError, LinesDistanceError, 'chamfer-3-4', 'true', 400, 400)
skeleton (ThickLinesError, SkeletonError)
reduce_domain (LinesDistanceError, SkeletonError, LinesDistanceErrorReduced)
threshold (LinesDistanceErrorReduced, Errors, , )
* 形态学操作缺陷region
dilation_circle (Errors, ErrorsDilation, 5.5)
connection (ErrorsDilation, ConnectedRegions)
area_center (ConnectedRegions, Area, Row, Column)
dev_clear_window ()
dev_set_draw ('fill')
dev_set_color ('gray')
dev_display (ThickLinesError)
dev_set_draw ('margin')
dev_set_color ('red')
dev_set_line_width (3)
disp_circle (WindowHandle, Row, Column, gen_tuple_const(|Row|,25.5))
dev_set_draw ('fill')

页: [1]
查看完整版本: 距离矩阵法检测异常